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Religion in Cuba    |    Cuba’s Patron Saint
Religion in Cuba
The Spanish conqueror imposed his culture, his language, his civilization and his religion; Catholicism, official and exclusive religion in Cuba for long time. The Catholic Church kept its place after the independence and now a days. A lot of places represent it: Havana’s Cathedral, Holly Spirit Church, Regla Virgin, San Lazaro, Caridad del Cobre, and a lot more.

Due to the African influence of the slaves, there were different religious thoughts in Cuba. Since that time the Spanish and the African are the two main etnocultural roots of the Cuban nationality that is influenced also by other cultures like the Caribbean, the North American, the Chinese and the ones from the rest of Europe. The Ocha Rule, known as witchcraft is derived from the Yoruba culture and it worships some Orichas (deities) with different myths and attributes. Among the most important ones we have Olofin, Olocun and Oloddumare. The masters of the witchcraft are the male witch (Babalochas) and the female witch (Iyalochas). The most synthesized and complex way of this expression is in the cult to Ifa; Deity whose main attribute is prophecy; sustained by the maximum authorities, the Babalawos. The so called Conga Rule is also practiced in Cuba derived from expressions of the people related to the Congo Reign and it is based on the cult to the natural forces.

Other African expressions located in the Occidental zone of the country is the secret male group “Abakua”, also known as “Ñañiguismo” that was born at the beginning of the last Century.

Other religious expression in Cuba is the spiritism, born in the United States. It came to Cuba in the Last Century and joined with elements of the African and Christian religions. Protestantism is also present in Cuba, following the model of the North American missionary boards.

The worship to Judas is also present among persons of the Hebrew Community, grouped in Associations and others like the Theosophical Society and the Bahai Assembly. They have also groups of Yoga, Buddhism and others. Now a days, the Cuban Freemasonry groups more than 26 000 men, registered in 314 LOGIAS spread around all the national territory.
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