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Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), is the Cuban institution aimed to lead, execute and control the State and Government policy concerning to science, technology and environment, nuclear energy usage, providing coherent integration of them all in the development of the country.

Its specific functions are:

- Proposing and evaluating the scientific and technological strategies and policies according to the economical and social development of the country, settling objectives, priorities, lines and programs and leading and controlling its execution.

- Leading and controlling the elaboration, execution and evaluation process of the scientific research and technological innovation programs.

- Promoting and facilitate scientific community participation in the elaboration and evaluation of science and technology strategies and policies.

- Suggesting the strategies and polices for the process of planning and science and technical innovation budget elaboration according to the agreed priorities. Distributing and controlling the execution of the agreed budget for the national, territorial and specific priorities.

- Leading, coordinating and controlling the process of integration of the scientific, technological, productive and other factors in generation and usage of scientific – technical knowledge through the scientific poles, the different themes and other integration ways, that may be settled, related to high priority activities. Coordinating the integration of other factors as the Juvenile Technical Brigades, the Innovator National Association and the Science and Technical Forum.
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