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Havana Christ
At the left of the Havana’s harbour entrance, between San Carlos de la Cabaña fortress and Casa Blanca, there is the majestic and colossal statue known as Havana’s Christ.

It was built more than 40 years ago. Its white Carrara marble contrasts with the gray stones surrounding it; the fortresses of “Los Tres Reyes del Morro”, “ San Salvador de la Punta”, "La Real Punta” and “San Carlos de la Cabaña”, that defended Havana for centuries.

Havana’s Christ was inaugurated on December 25th, 1958, seven days before Batista tyrant was defeated. The monument was built in Italy by the Cuban sculptor Gilma Madera, who passed away recently. Jesus is on his feet with a hand on his chest and the other raised as if he were blessing. He is looking towards the city and he is 20 meters tall on a 3 meters high base. He weights 320 tones and he is formed by 6 pieces. As he is located on a hill, his height is 51 feet over the sea level, which makes easy to see him from different parts of the City.
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