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Cuban Country Music
Cuban country music with Spanish roots. People from Canary Islands living in Cuba created this genre. It has elements of the Andalusian music and a pinch of African substances gave it its Creole character from the XVII Century on.

This music is the life of the Guateque, party of the Cuban country. It is accompanied by guitars, tres, tiple, laud, clavés, guiro and guayo, and the singers cheer up the party with controversies of improvisation.

They are clearly divided: each one and his public represent one side perfectly distinguished by the colour of their emblem which may be a neckerchief tied to their necks.

There are two styles according to the musician Argelier Leon: the so called Free point and the Fixed point, that is from the ancient Central Provinces of Las Villas and Camaguey.

Although there are a lot and good improvisators, the musical “fights” between Justo Vega and (picture at the beginning) and Adolfo Alfonso will always be remembered.

Alfonso, joker by excellence, more than one time made Vega get “mad”. Vega is known to be the better representative of this genre.

Probably the Punto Guajiro is the most popular country rhythm because the rivalry usually hides grudges and even messages of secret love at the Montescos and Capulets style.
Cuban Country Music
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