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Cuban people    |    Typical dress    |    Mitos y leyendas    |    Typical products    |    Our flavoring    |    The way we speak
Popular Language
The people of Cuba, first a Spanish colony and later a neo-colony of the United States, have sought out a variety of ways to manifest their opposition to the powers that oppress them. This has been an influence on how the people on the street are speaking; gradually, the people came to develop an... more
Cuban Flavour in Our Popular Sayings
Cuba has not been an exception to the fact that many references to flora, fauna, place names, religion, history, literature and others have given rise to phrases that are widely known and used, indicating a Cuban flavour in everyday speech and constituting the unique elements of our brand of... more
Cuban-Style Sayings
Más rollo que película-------Referring to someone who talks too much and does too little. Bájate el blumer-------A wine invented by the people; a litre costs 2 pesos (Cuban currency) at the corner store. Estas detrás del palo y pidiendo el último------- You are absent-minded. Se acabó... more
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