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The Cuban flag appeared for the first time in 1850 in the city of Cardenas in hands of some people against the Spanish crown.

The three blue rosters represent the areas in whish the Island was divided on that time. The two white ones represent the purity of the Cuban people in its intentions to grant independence. The equilateral triangle means freedom, equality and fraternity, strong state of mind of the Cubans. The red in the triangle was announcing the blood that would be necessary to pour t reach independence. The lonely star is a symbol of absolute freedom among the rest of the peoples.

When the first war for independence starts on October 1868, Carlos Manuel de Cespedes commands to design another flag, whish now-a-days stands with ours in the meeting room of the Cuban Parliament.
< Sources >
Documentos de archivo del Portal Cuba. [fecha de consulta: 3 de octubre del 2007]
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