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National Tree
The Royal Palm Tree, scientifically called Roystonea Regia O.F. Cook, is well known by the Cubans as the queen of the countries, due to the majestic of its structure, its peculiar size, how useful it is, and because there is a great amount of it in the island. It is an erectus tree, of great... more
National Flower
Te butterfly is also known as “amber cane” and its scientific name is Hedychium Coronarium Koenig, from the family of te Zigniberaceas (alpinaceas). Its name comes from its similitude with the lepidopterous insect. It is not originally from Cuba but form Asia, and it has adapted wonderfully to... more
National Bird
The Tocororo is a bird originally from Cuba. It has beautiful colors. Its scientific name is Priotelus Temnurus, from the family of te Trogodinae. He is the only one of this family in the Island, from which it is also the Quetzal, national bird of Guatemala. The Tocororo was called... more
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