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Chronology    |    Commemoration    |    Constitutions    |    National symbols    |    National attributes
1492 - 1851
1492: Christobal Colombus discovers the Isle of Cuba in his first voyage (October 27th) 1509: Sebastian de Ocampo makes the first complete trip around the Island and entitles Carenas the site that today is known as Havana Harbour. 1510: Sent by Diego Colon, the conqueror expedition of Diego... more
1959 - 2000
1959: Fidel arrives to Havana on January 8th after having defeated Batista’s army. The Act of Agrarian Reform is proclaimed. After that came the nationalizations, the Act of Urban Reform and others in favor of the workers and people in general. 1960: United States settled an Embargo to the... more
1868 - 1957
1868-78: Carlos Manuel de Céspedes makes the Grito de Yara in the sugar mill La Demajagua (October 10th) and iniciate the Big War or the 10 Years War that ends with the Pact of Zanjón without the independence for Cuba. During this period take place other important fact; The Baraguá Protest with... more
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