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Jimaguayu Contitution
It was approved on September 16th, 1895, by the revolution delegates as Army Representatives. This Constitution resumes and goes beyond the experiences of the Guaimaro and Baragua Constitutions.It is structured in 24 sections. There are recognized two parallel power organs: a) The Council of... more
La Yaya Contitution
It was approved on October 29th, 1897, in La Yaya; in a meeting accomplishing the constitutional mandate of Jimaguayu. It is the first rebel constitution that is made with a dogmatic and an organic part. It is structured in 48 sections. It is structured into five titles containing dispositions... more
The Guaimaro Constitution
The Guaimaro Constitution, the first one of the Republic up in Arms, which expresses the will of the Cuban independence movement, and of the political organization of the liberators from 1868. It was approved by the Guaimaro Assembly on April 10th, 1869. It is structured in 29 sections. This... more
1901 Contitution
Constitution of 1901, it began to function on November 5th, 1901, while the Island was militarily occupied by United States. It is structured in Preamble, 115 Articles, 14 titles and Transitory Dispositions. During the inauguration, General Wood, military Governor, read –in English- his speech,... more
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