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The Cuban flag appeared for the first time in 1850 in the city of Cardenas in hands of some people against the Spanish crown. The three blue rosters represent the areas in whish the Island was divided on that time. The two white ones represent the purity of the Cuban people in its intentions to... more
The golden key that appears in the upper area represents the position of Cuba between the two Americas, that’s why we are called “The Key of the Gulf”. The sun means the birth of a new State. The three blue turquoise fringes separated by white rosters represent the areas in whish the Island... more
National Anthem
Before called the Bayamo Anthem. The lawyer and musician, Perucho Figueredo, composed in 1857 the melody and a year later, on October 20th, 1868, he wrote the lyrics when the Cuban troops took the City of Bayamo, same lyrics that became our National Anthem years later: Al combate corred... more
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Documentos de archivo del Portal Cuba. [fecha de consulta: 3 de octubre del 2007]
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