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1901 Contitution
Constitution of 1901, it began to function on November 5th, 1901, while the Island was militarily occupied by United States. It is structured in Preamble, 115 Articles, 14 titles and Transitory Dispositions. During the inauguration, General Wood, military Governor, read –in English- his speech, and he insisted in taking into account four main subject when preparing the letter:

a) Assuring an stable, organized and free Government.

b) Organizing the relations between Cuba and the United States.

c) Restringing the powers of the Assembly just to the elaboration of the Constitution.

d) Letting the North American Government to rule Cuba towards a prosperous development.

A Committee was named to draw up the Basis of the Constitution which would be analyzed, discussed and approved by the Assembly.

On January 21st, 1901 the debates on the matter began, and in February 21st, 1901 the Constitutional text was approved.

The Constitution is structured in a brief preamble, 14 titles and 7 Transitory dispositions.

The titles regulated the following aspects: Title I: Of the Nation, its governmental organization and of the national territory. Title II: Of the Cubans.

Title III: Of the foreigners.

Title IV: Of the rights guaranteed through this constitution.

First Section: Individual Rights.

Second Section: Suffrage Right.

Third Section: Suspension of the constitutional guarantees.

Title V: Of the sovereignty and the public powers.

Title VI: Of the Legislative Power.

First Section: Of the Co-Legislative Bodies.

Second Section: Of the Senate, its composition and attributions.

Third Section: Of the Representative’s Chamber, its composition and attributions.

Fourth Section: Common dispositions to the Co-Legislative Bodies.

Fifth Section: Of the Congress and its attributions.

Sixth Section: Of the initiative and formations of law, its penalties and promulgation.

Title VII: Of the Executive Power.

First Section: Of the exercise of the Executive Power.

Second Section: Of the President of the Republic and of its attributions and duties.

Title VIII: Of the Vice-President of the Republic.

Title IX: Of the Office Secretaries
Title X: Of he Juridical Power.

First Section: Of the exercise of the Juridical Power.

Second Section: Of the Supreme Courts.

Third Section: General dispositions about Justice Administration.

Title XI: Of the provincial regime.
First Section: General Dispositions.

Second Section: Of the provincial council and its attributions.

Third Section: Of the province Governors and their attributions.

Title XII: Of the municipal regime.

First Section: General Dispositions.

Second Section: Of the city councils and its attributions.

Third Section: Of the Mayor, their attributions and duties.

Title XIII: Of the National Treasury Department.

Title XIV: Of the Reform of the Constitution. Transitory Dispositions.

After long discussions among some constituents that defended independence and sovereign action from Cuba in its relations with the United States, on June 1901 an appendix was added to the Constitution: The Platt Amendment.

Some years after, Gerardo Machado, President of the Republic at that time, with the aim of continuing in his position, he promoted a Reform to the Constitutions of 1901.

The named Reform had a strong popular opposition. Nevertheless, on March 29th, 1927, the Representative’s Chamber put an end to the discussion of the said project.

Having accomplished the corresponding steps, on June 21st, 1927, the project of Constitutional Reform was approved .

Although on May 11th, 1928, President Machado ratified the Constitutional Reform, it could not be totally carried out due to the Revolution of 1933.
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