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1959 - 2000
1959: Fidel arrives to Havana on January 8th after having defeated Batista’s army. The Act of Agrarian Reform is proclaimed. After that came the nationalizations, the Act of Urban Reform and others in favor of the workers and people in general.

1960: United States settled an Embargo to the exports to Cuba and in the mean time the revolutionary government nationalizes the North American properties.

The French ship “La Coubre” explodes in the Havana’s harbor, loaded with munitions. The Committee of Defense of the Revolution (CDR) were founded.

1961: The revolutionary Government makes the Literacy Campaign: 100 000 young people went to the country side and in one year teach the illiterate to read and write. United States invades Cuba through Cochinos Bay but Cuba triumphed and traded prisoners for food. The socialist character of the Cuban Revolution is declared.

1962: The American State Organization excludes Cuba from its organization (January 31st). President Kenedy, from United States, orders a severe blockade to Cuba with the pretext to avoid the installation of offensive nuclear weapons (October 22nd). Crisis of October.
Kruschev agrees on taking the weapon bases away and allows American Army to frisk Soviet ships.

1965: United States and Cuba agree on creating an air bridge that will take to Florida between
3000 and 4000 refugees monthly. (October 3rd) 1972: Cuba is admitted in CAME. (July 12th)

1973: Cuba and United States sign an agreement against air piracy. (February 15th).

1975: First Congress of the Cuban Communist Party.

1976: Foundation of the Organs of Popular Power.

1980: The Peruvian Embassy in Havana is taken by antisocial elements. The Cuban government allows everyone who wants to leave Cuba to go to the United States through the Mariel Port.

1985: Fide Castro made and international call to a meeting with those debtor countries to discuss the crisis of the external debt and propose the declaration of “No Payment”.

1996: Fide Castro visits Rome to participate in the Worldwide Meeting on Food organized by FAO. In those circumstances he had a historical interview with Pope John Paul II. United States settles the Helms-Burton Act aimed to reinforce the blockade.

1998: General Elections in Cuba with 98.35% of attendance and 95% of valid votes. Pope John Paul II visits Cuba and declares that the blockade is “ethically unacceptable”. For the first time in the last 7 years, UNO’s Human Right Commission doesn’t approve a resolution from the United States that expected to condemn Cuba for supposed violations to those rights.

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