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1868 - 1957
1868-78: Carlos Manuel de Céspedes makes the Grito de Yara in the sugar mill La Demajagua (October 10th) and iniciate the Big War or the 10 Years War that ends with the Pact of Zanjón without the independence for Cuba. During this period take place other important fact; The Baraguá Protest with which Antonio Maceo desagrees with the Zanjón Pact and declares his decision to continue fighting.

1879: General Calixto García goes into battle again, starts the Small War for just one year. Afterwards, Jose Marti is sent to United States, he founds the Cuban Revolutionary Party, and together with Maximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo prepare conditions to restart the Independence War.

1895: The War starts with the Shout of Baire (Febrary 24th). Marti dies fighting in “Two Rivers”, (May 19th).

1896: General Antonio Maceo and his helper Francisco Gomez Toro die in the manor San Pedro, Havana Province (December 7th). General Captain Valeriano Weyler initiate his politics on reconcentration.

1898: Maine ship blowout in Havana’s Bay in strange circumstances. This was a pretext to north American intervention in war that becomes a Spanish-Cuban-North American war (February 15th) and ends with the Paris Treaty (December 10th), by which Spain give in Cuba and Puerto Rico to United States. Intervention starts.

1899: United States snatches independence to the Cubans and assume the Government of the Republic of Cuba for 4 years.

1902: The Constituent Assembly meets in Havana and it enacts the Republican Constitution (February 21st). Washington imposes the addition of Platt Amendment to the Constitution, which gives United States the right to intervene in Cuba. 1925: Julio Antonio Mella and Carlos Baliño found the first Communist Party in Cuba. Mella is assassinated in Mexico in 1929 by two agents of Gerardo Machado.

1933: President Gerardo Machado escapes of Cuba. Sargent Fulgencio Batista replaces him and takes the power.

1940: New Constitution. During its valid time, the Contitutional President, Carlos Prío Socarrás, is deposed by a Coup D’ Tac in 1952, headed by Fulgencio Batista, who had become General.

1953: Attack to the Moncada Headquarter in Santiago de Cuba on July 26th 1956. Fidel pronounces the famous Allegation “La Historia me Absolverá” where he exposes his revolutionary lineup.

1956: The people of Santiago de Cuba backs up the disembark of Fidel castro and a group of young people that went to Sierra Maestra and formed the heart of what years later would be the organized Rebel Army.

1957: Attack to the Presidential Palace leaded by José Antonio Echevarría who dies some minutes later.

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