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The first Jazz Bands in Cuba were born in the 20’s of the last Century. They soon substituted their North American homologues that came to the Island hired by the place owners or by the government and they played jazz together with the Cuban music. In 1929, the first big band called... more
The Cuban Trova is descendant and heir of an universal tradition that was born in the XI Century when in the South of France, poets and musicians flourished. In Cuba, it was born in the Oriental zone of the country, in Santiago de Cuba, where Jose Sanchez – Pepe – became the father of the... more
A vocal and instrumental dance genre which is one of Cuban music basic forms. According to researcher Odilio Urfé, the son is the most syncretic exponent of national cultural identity. For many it appeared in the 1920s, although according to Urfé, it has been established that it concretely... more
In the late 1970s, the Cuban mass media was involved in a major polemic. Was the salsa a new genre or - as could be seen from those interpretations arriving from the United States and the Caribbean - was it just Cuban son with new electronic sonorities? Some specialists accused the creators of... more
Cuban Country Music
Cuban country music with Spanish roots. People from Canary Islands living in Cuba created this genre. It has elements of the Andalusian music and a pinch of African substances gave it its Creole character from the XVII Century on. This music is the life of the Guateque, party of the Cuban... more
Cuban light song and dance, very developed in terms of rhythm, which should not be confused with the homonymous dance of Spanish origin derived from the seguidilla, such as French composer Maurice Ravel’s Bolero for orchestra in the classical music genre. The entirely Cuban bolero emerged in... more
Rhythm, dance and song of Cuban origin; derived from the Danzon under the influence of the Son. Enrique Jorrin, Cha Cha Cha creator, said that at the end of 1940, he made some Danzones in which the musicians made short choruses. The public liked it and that stimulated Jorrin to continue creating.... more
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