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Among the gifts we gave from nature, the Cuban flora is one of the most admired by our fellow countrymen and foreigners. Only few are indifferent either to our deep green mountains and savannah, where rainfall is bountiful, or to the brilliant colours of Cuban flowers, among which there are rare and very beautiful species. The Cuban flora as more than 6500 species only of plants with seeds, from which, approximately half of them are originally from Cuba. The exotic vegetable specie that is used in Cuba the most is the Sugar Cane, which, together with the Royal Palm Tree constitute the most typical elements concerning flora of the Cuban geography.

Scientifics consider the region of Moa, on the north part of Holguin, as one of the most ancient places of the Island and, besides, it is called, “The Garden of Cuba” for two reasons: it shows a flora with a lot of species and most of them are endemic. The Sierra del Rosario has been declared Reserve of the Biosphere.

There are a lot of other species that have been introduced in the island from different parts of the world. Most of them have adapted so well to our climate that we consider them as ours.
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Revista Flora y Fauna (Publicación de la Empresa Nacional para la Protección del Medio Ambiente)
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