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Temperatures in Cuba are generally high. The annual media rates go from 24 degrees in the prairies to 26 degrees and more in the oriental coasts, with rates below 20 degrees in the highest parts of the Sierra Maestra Mountains.

From November to April, the hot is not intense, and it is known as “winter”, as well as from May to October it is known as “Summer”. The maximum and minimum absolute temperatures ever registered are 38 degrees (Guantanamo, August 7th, 1965) and 0.6 degrees (Bainoa, February 18th, 1996). As it is typical in the tropical climate, daily temperature variation is high that the annual one.

The relative moisture is high, on the average near to 80%. The daily maximum, generally up to 90%, occurs with the sun rise, and the minimum descend at midday to 50 – 60% in the inner territory. The occidental and central regions together with the mountain cores are the more humid zones.

The rainy season runs from May to October, and rain is especially heavy in September and October.

The island is located in a region often hit by severe tropical storms and hurricanes, which usually cross it from south to north during the hurricane season which is usually from June to November.
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