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Higher bodies of people´s power    |    Cuban electoral system    |    Political organizations
On the subject of elections being announced
Who announces elections?
The Council of State is the body authorized to announce elections.

Who organizes and directs the electoral process?
National. Provincial, Municipal and District Electoral Commissions, and in certain cases Special Commissions, are created to organize, direct and validate the electoral processes that are held in order to fill elected positions in the Peoples’ Power bodies, as well as its constitution, and for carrying out referendums.

Who appoints the National Electoral Commission?
The National Electoral Commission is appointed by the Council of State.

Who appoints the Provincial Electoral Commissions in the Special Municipality of the Isle of Youth and the Special Commissions?
Persons making up Provincial Electoral Commissions from the Special Municipality of the Isle of Youth and the Special Commissions are appointed by the National Electoral Commission.

Who appoints the Municipal Electoral Commissions?
Persons making up the Municipal Electoral Commissions are appointed by the Provincial Electoral Commissions.

Who appoints the Electoral Commissions in the Electoral Districts and in the Districts?
Persons making up the Electoral Commissions in the Electoral Districts and in the Districts are appointed by the Municipal Electoral Commissions.

Who appoints the Special Electoral Commissions?
Persons making up the Special Electoral Commissions are appointed by the National Electoral Commission
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