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Higher bodies of people´s power    |    Cuban electoral system    |    Political organizations
On the subject of voting and the right to be elected
What are voting requirements?
  • Minimum of 16 years of age.
  • Permanent Resident in the country for at least two (2) years prior to elections and be registered in the Municipal Electors Registry and on the list corresponding to the electoral district for the place of permanent residence; or on the list of a special electoral district.
  • Presenting the Identity Card or Armed Forces Identity Document at the Electoral College.
  • Able to exercise one’s electoral rights as recognized by the Constitution and the Law.
Who are not able to exercise the right to vote?
Persons who are mentally challenged, following legal declaration of their condition; persons sentenced to prison even if they are on conditional leave, out-of-prison leaves or passes; persons who are serving a subsidiary sentence to a prison sentence; persons who have been sentenced to being deprived of their political rights, for the time established by the courts, as an accessory sentence, from the fulfilment of their principal sentence.

Who may be elected?
Every Cuban, male and female, enjoying their full political rights, who are permanent residents in the country for at least five (5) years prior to elections and who do not find themselves included in the exceptions envisaged by the Constitution and the Law.

How are delegate candidates nominated?
Electors who wish to nominate candidates must ask to speak. Each person nominating must speak in the order in which they are acknowledged.

So that each nomination may be submitted to a vote, the person nominated must agree; if the nominee refuses or is not present (and has not previously declared their consent) the nomination is not submitted to a vote.

Each elector, as they take the floor, briefly states the reasons for the proposed nomination. Every elector may also express their opinion in favour or against the proposed candidate.

Proposed candidates are put to a direct and public vote, one after the other, in the same order in which they were proposed.

Each elector has the right to vote for just one of the proposed candidates.

The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes among all the proposals will be the nominated candidate. In the case of a tie, the proposal of candidates will begin anew.

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