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About Counting the Ballots
When does the voting process conclude?
At six p.m. (6), the President or another member of the Electoral College appointed for that purpose, writes down the names of the persons still waiting to exercise their right to vote, and these are allowed to vote. After the last ballot has been deposited, the President declares voting to be concluded.

How are the votes tallied?
After voting has concluded, the President of the Table of the Electoral College opens the urns and proceeds, together with the other members, to count the ballots that were deposited there, collating numbers with those delivered to electors and with the number of voters according to the voters’ list, and separating the marked ballots with those that were deposited blank.

Tallying ballots is public and members of the territorial Electoral Commissions, representatives of political and grass-roots organizations, the candidates and any other citizens who wish to do so may be present.

Once the votes have been computed and the act has been recorded, after agreement has been struck with all the members of the Table College, the President reads it for those present, and if there are no objections, he proceeds to sign it along with the other members of the College Table.

The President of the Table of the Electoral College, or one of its members, using one of the sample ballots, posts the results of the counting of the ballots outside the College.

How is the ballot-count of the Delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of the Peoples’ Power checked?
After the results of the elections for Delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of the Peoples’ Power in the electoral districts corresponding to their demarcation by the Municipal Electoral Commissions have been received, their validity is checked, the delegates are proclaimed to be elected and they receive their corresponding election certificates; also, voting computation is carried out in order to draw up statistics and information.

When is someone considered to be elected as Delegate to the Municipal Assembly of the Peoples’ Power?
A candidate is considered to be elected as Delegate to the Municipal Assembly of the Peoples’ Power when he/she has been nominated and has obtained more than 50 % of the number of valid votes issued in the electoral district involved.

Under what circumstances is a second round of elections held for Delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of the Peoples’ Power?
In the case that there is a tie for two (2) candidates or more, or if none of the candidates has received more than 50% of the number of ballots validly issued in the electoral district, the Electoral Commission in the electoral district calls a new election within ten (10) days following the first voting day. In this second round election, if it deals with a tie, only the two candidates who were tied will participate; if is a matter of none of the candidates receiving more than 50% of the ballots validly issued in the electoral district in the first election, the two (2) candidates who received the majority of votes in the first round will participate and the candidates who received most votes will be considered elected in both cases.

What happens if a tie occurs again in the second round election?
In the case of a second round election resulting in a new tie, a new election will be called within ten (10) days following the previous election and the candidate obtaining the most votes will be considered to be elected.

If other ties occur, successive new elections will be held until such time as one of the candidates wins by a majority of votes.
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