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About Electoral Districts and the Electoral Registry
What is the Electoral District?
The electoral district is the base, the basic cell, of the Peoples' Power system. It is a territorial division within the municipality.

How is the number of electoral districts per municipality decided?
The number of electoral districts in a municipality is decided upon for each election by the Provincial Electoral Commission after a proposal is made by the respective Municipal Electoral Commission, taking as its base the number of inhabitants residing in the municipality, so that the number of delegates to be elected is less than thirty (30).

Can there be special electoral districts?
Special electoral districts can be formed if needed for those living permanently at military bases and, exceptionally, boarding-school students and also for those who, because of work situations, must live for extended periods of time inside national territory but not at their regular place of residence.

How many candidates may be nominated to be delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of the Peoples’ Power in each electoral district?
In each electoral district, a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of eight (8) candidates may be nominated.

How does one register in the Electoral Register?
This is a process free of all bureaucratic procedure and has all the facilities to guarantee that all electors may exercise their right to vote.

All Cuban citizens have this right; it is carried out automatically and is free.

Where is the Primary Electoral Register published?
The Primary Electoral Register is published in each electoral district, grouping the electors by their place of residence and it is posted in places of easy access to the electors so that they may check their registration within at least thirty (30) days.

What is the procedure to rectify errors appearing in the Electoral Registers?
Rectifying errors in the Electoral Register, names which have been either omitted or added, may be requested or challenged by the person in question, their representative or next-of-kin.

Challenging the inclusion of a person registered in the Electoral Register may be carried out by any citizen whenever they deem that said person is not entitled to exercise the right to vote.

When may requests or challenges for the rectification of errors be presented?
Requests or challenges may be presented at any time during the electoral period to the electoral district Electoral Commission which will resolve the proposed matter and inform the Municipal Electoral Commission.

In the case of the elector being in disagreement, that decision may be challenged before the Municipal Electoral Commission which will resolve the matter with no further procedure.

Where are the Electoral Registers published and when?
They are published in the Electoral Colleges seven (7) days prior to the elections.

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