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About the candidates’ electoral campaigns
How do electoral campaigns take place?
Candidate may not carry out any activity promoting their candidacy since this is the exclusive function of the electoral commissions.

What do electoral campaigns include?
The electoral campaign possesses a profound ethical, civic and educational content, showing no preference whatsoever, and pointing out the importance of exercising one's vote, and the ability, merits and ethical-moral and citizenship values that each candidate must possess.

Where does funding for the electoral campaign come from?
All electoral expenses are paid for by the State Budget, therefore the campaign does not cost the candidate one single cent.

How does the public at large get to know the nominees?
Once the nomination process has been completed, the Electoral Commissions of the Electoral Districts take on the task of distributing the photos and biographies of all candidates; these are posted in public areas which are easily accessible to the general public.

Each candidate’s biography includes merits, ability, personal traits enabling this person to take on the responsibility of being a Delegate, and any other factors which would make him/her a good prospect for sitting in the Municipal Assembly of the Peoples' Power.
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