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La Habana
Havana is the agricultural support of Havana City. It is almost surrounding the Capital of Cuba, that is why there are lots of beaches that pertain to Havana, suck us Jibacoa in the Northeast part, located half way between Havana City and Varadero.

Walking to the occidental part of the province we can find “El Salado” spa, with an intimate beach surrounded by coral formations in excellent conditions for diving, just 30 km from Jose Marti International Airport. It is easy to get to Artemisa from there, a place where The Sugar Cane Ranch and the ruins of the famous La Angerona coffee plantation deserve to be visited. The cattle raising is very much developed in this province, in big farms like “Picadura Valley”, “Los Naranjos” and “Niña Bonita (Pretty Girl)”.

The biggest rum production plant of Latin America, “Santa Cruz”, is located in the last town with the same name, where the famous rum “Havana Club” is prepared.

San Antonio de los Baños hosts the Humor Festival dedicated to the memory of the humorist Marcos Behemaras, where one can enjoy some days of jokes, songs and caricatures.
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