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Villa Clara
It was founded in 1689 by neighbors from a coastal village that were escaping from the attacks from pirates and privateers. Its capital, Santa Clara, is located in the center of Cuba. Landmarks for hunting, reservoirs to fish the trout , and the only square in the island with two churches and an image of the Immaculate Conception in state of pregnancy are among the attractive things in the province. There is also Caibarien, the fishermen people connected, by a rustic road system, to various virgin keys; and the Hanabanilla, artificial lake surrounded by mountains.

In the north part of the municipalities of Sagua la Grande and Caibarien can be found the Fauna refuge of the keys at the north of the province, with a extension of 78 thousand hectares formed by the islets of Santa Maria, Las Brujas, Ensenachos, Cobos, Maja, Fragoso, Francés, Las Picuas and Español de Adentro.

In these keys we can find lizards, mollusk and birds endemic of that place, accompanied with a flora that includes 248 species, 91 of which serve for medical purposes, 72 timber-yielding, 41 meliferous, and 40 ornamental, with 29 originally from Cuba. Health tourism lovers can enjoy the medicinal waters of “Elguea, a modern facility that offers a wide variety of therapeutic modalities including thermal baths, therapeutic massage electrotherapy, treatments to face stress, and some others.

The province is formed by various towns such us Remedios, famous for its traditional sprees, which take place every year in its streets, and almost all the people assist grouped in two bands as friendly rivals. These festivities that began in 1870, show today to the visitors the influence of the different cultures that coincided in the formation of the Cuban nation. Te Memorial Museum Ernesto Che Guevara was opened in 1997 and it keeps the rests of the Heroic Guerrilla Man and of his fellows, who all died in Bolivia.
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Documentos de archivo del Portal Cuba. [fecha de consulta: 3 de octubre del 2007]
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