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Cienfuegos City was founded in 1819 with the name of Fernandina de Jagua by French COLONOS from Burdeos, and it is mostly known as the South Pearl. It is an attractive port city with coast only to the Caribbean and a beautiful bay very much wanted long ago by colonizer and pirates. The French influence is prominent and it decided its development in architecture and agriculture in its first years of existence; that is the case of the * Arch of Triumph * similar to the one in Paris, raised in the historical center of the province. These special characteristics let it develop tourism with a distinctive product.

With a lot of palaces, parks, theaters, churches and its Prado walk, which ends in the sea, Cienfuegos shows to the world the charms of Terry Theater and Valle Palace. In the Bay, the fortress of Our Lady of Angels of Sagua, built in 1745, shows the kind of military architecture of the XVIII Century in Cuba. By the time it was built, it was the only one of its type in the center of the Island to defend itself from the attacks of the corsairs and pirates.

The sea bottom are ideal for diving, with coral formations of low and media depth. In the area, there are some diving centers that provide services, such us Faro Luna and Guajimico, with initiation courses, day and night immersions in submerged ships and in reef, as well as trips in catamaran, aqua bikes and kayak.
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Documentos de archivo del Portal Cuba. [fecha de consulta: 3 de octubre del 2007]
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